Franz Nowak


On the Representational Capacity of Neural Language Models with Chain-of-Thought Reasoning
Franz Nowak | Anej Svete | Alexandra Butoi | Ryan Cotterell
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

The performance of modern language models (LMs) has been improved by chain-of-thought (CoT) reasoning, i.e., the process of generating intermediate results that guide the model towards a final answer. A possible explanation for this improvement is that CoT reasoning extends an LM’s computational power, as RNNs and transformers with additional scratch space are known to be Turing complete. Comparing LMs to Turing machines, however, introduces a category error—Turing machines decide language membership, whereas LMs define distributions over strings. To bridge this gap, we formalize CoT reasoning in a probabilistic setting. We present several results on the representational capacity of recurrent and transformer LMs with CoT reasoning, showing that they can represent the same family of distributions over strings as probabilistic Turing machines.

What Languages are Easy to Language-Model? A Perspective from Learning Probabilistic Regular Languages
Nadav Borenstein | Anej Svete | Robin Chan | Josef Valvoda | Franz Nowak | Isabelle Augenstein | Eleanor Chodroff | Ryan Cotterell
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

What can large language models learn? By definition, language models (LM) are distributionsover strings. Therefore, an intuitive way of addressing the above question is to formalize it as a matter of learnability of classes of distributions over strings. While prior work in this direction focused on assessing the theoretical limits, in contrast, we seek to understand the empirical learnability. Unlike prior empirical work, we evaluate neural LMs on their home turf—learning probabilistic languages—rather than as classifiers of formal languages. In particular, we investigate the learnability of regular LMs (RLMs) by RNN and Transformer LMs. We empirically test the learnability of RLMs as a function of various complexity parameters of the RLM and the hidden state size of the neural LM. We find that the RLM rank, which corresponds to the size of linear space spanned by the logits of its conditional distributions, and the expected length of sampled strings are strong and significant predictors of learnability for both RNNs and Transformers. Several other predictors also reach significance, but with differing patterns between RNNs and Transformers.

An L* Algorithm for Deterministic Weighted Regular Languages
Clemente Pasti | Talu Karagöz | Franz Nowak | Anej Svete | Reda Boumasmoud | Ryan Cotterell
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Extracting finite state automata (FSAs) fromblack-box models offers a powerful approachto gaining interpretable insights into complexmodel behaviors. To support this pursuit, wepresent a weighted variant of Angluin’s (1987)L* algorithm for learning FSAs. We stay faithful to the original formulation, devising a wayto exactly learn deterministic weighted FSAswhose weights support division. Furthermore,we formulate the learning process in a mannerthat highlights the connection with FSA minimization, showing how L* directly learns aminimal automaton for the target language.

Surprise! Uniform Information Density Isn’t the Whole Story: Predicting Surprisal Contours in Long-form Discourse
Eleftheria Tsipidi | Franz Nowak | Ryan Cotterell | Ethan Wilcox | Mario Giulianelli | Alex Warstadt
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

The Uniform Information Density (UID) hypothesis posits that speakers tend to distribute information evenly across linguistic units to achieve efficient communication. Of course, information rate in texts and discourses is not perfectly uniform. While these fluctuations can be viewed as theoretically uninteresting noise on top of a uniform target, another explanation is that UID is not the only functional pressure regulating information content in a language. Speakers may also seek to maintain interest, adhere to writing conventions, and build compelling arguments. In this paper, we propose one such functional pressure; namely that speakers modulate information rate based on location within a hierarchically-structured model of discourse. We term this the Structured Context Hypothesis and test it by predicting the surprisal contours of naturally occurring discourses extracted from large language models using predictors derived from discourse structure. We find that hierarchical predictors are significant predictors of a discourse’s information contour and that deeply nested hierarchical predictors are more predictive than shallow ones. This work takes an initial step beyond UID to propose testable hypotheses for why the information rate fluctuates in predictable ways.

Lower Bounds on the Expressivity of Recurrent Neural Language Models
Anej Svete | Franz Nowak | Anisha Sahabdeen | Ryan Cotterell
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (Volume 1: Long Papers)

The recent successes and spread of large neural language models (LMs) call for a thorough understanding of their abilities. Describing their abilities through LMs’ representational capacity is a lively area of research. Investigations of the representational capacity of neural LMs have predominantly focused on their ability to recognize formal languages. For example, recurrent neural networks (RNNs) as classifiers are tightly linked to regular languages, i.e., languages defined by finite-state automata (FSAs). Such results, however, fall short of describing the capabilities of RNN language models (LMs), which are definitionally distributions over strings. We take a fresh look at the represen- tational capacity of RNN LMs by connecting them to probabilistic FSAs and demonstrate that RNN LMs with linearly bounded precision can express arbitrary regular LMs.


A Fast Algorithm for Computing Prefix Probabilities
Franz Nowak | Ryan Cotterell
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers)

Multiple algorithms are known for efficiently calculating the prefix probability of a string under a probabilistic context-free grammar (PCFG). Good algorithms for the problem have a runtime cubic in the length of the input string. However, some proposed algorithms are suboptimal with respect to the size of the grammar. This paper proposes a new speed-up of Jelinek and Lafferty’s (1991) algorithm, which runs in O(n3|N|3 + |N|4), where n is the input length and |N| is the number of non-terminals in the grammar. In contrast, our speed-up runs in O(n2|N|3 + n3|N|2).

On the Representational Capacity of Recurrent Neural Language Models
Franz Nowak | Anej Svete | Li Du | Ryan Cotterell
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

This work investigates the computational expressivity of language models (LMs) based on recurrent neural networks (RNNs). Siegelmann and Sontag (1992) famously showed that RNNs with rational weights and hidden states and unbounded computation time are Turing complete. However, LMs define weightings over strings in addition to just (unweighted) language membership and the analysis of the computational power of RNN LMs (RLMs) should reflect this. We extend the Turing completeness result to the probabilistic case, showing how a rationally weighted RLM with unbounded computation time can simulate any deterministic probabilistic Turing machine (PTM) with rationally weighted transitions. Since, in practice, RLMs work in real-time, processing a symbol at every time step, we treat the above result as an upper bound on the expressivity of RLMs. We also provide a lower bound by showing that under the restriction to real-time computation, such models can simulate deterministic real-time rational PTMs.