Rater Cohesion and Quality from a Vicarious Perspective
Deepak Pandita
Tharindu Cyril Weerasooriya
Sujan Dutta
Sarah K. K. Luger
Tharindu Ranasinghe
Ashiqur R. KhudaBukhsh
Marcos Zampieri
Christopher M Homan
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2024
Human feedback is essential for building human-centered AI systems across domains where disagreement is prevalent, such as AI safety, content moderation, or sentiment analysis. Many disagreements, particularly in politically charged settings, arise because raters have opposing values or beliefs. Vicarious annotation is a method for breaking down disagreement by asking raters how they think others would annotate the data. In this paper, we explore the use of vicarious annotation with analytical methods for moderating rater disagreement. We employ rater cohesion metrics to study the potential influence of political affiliations and demographic backgrounds on raters’ perceptions of offense. Additionally, we utilize CrowdTruth’s rater quality metrics, which consider the demographics of the raters, to score the raters and their annotations. We study how the rater quality metrics influence the in-group and cross-group rater cohesion across the personal and vicarious levels.
Diversity-Aware Annotation for Conversational AI Safety
Alicia Parrish
Vinodkumar Prabhakaran
Lora Aroyo
Mark Díaz
Christopher M. Homan
Greg Serapio-García
Alex S. Taylor
Ding Wang
Proceedings of Safety4ConvAI: The Third Workshop on Safety for Conversational AI @ LREC-COLING 2024
How people interpret content is deeply influenced by their socio-cultural backgrounds and lived experiences. This is especially crucial when evaluating AI systems for safety, where accounting for such diversity in interpretations and potential impacts on human users will make them both more successful and inclusive. While recent work has demonstrated the importance of diversity in human ratings that underlie AI pipelines, effective and efficient ways to incorporate diverse perspectives in human data annotation pipelines is still largely elusive. In this paper, we discuss the primary challenges faced in incorporating diversity into model evaluations, and propose a practical diversity-aware annotation approach. Using an existing dataset with highly parallel safety annotations, we take as a test case a policy that prioritizes recall of safety issues, and demonstrate that our diversity-aware approach can efficiently obtain a higher recall of safety issues flagged by minoritized rater groups without hurting overall precision.
Findings from the Bambara - French Machine Translation Competition (BFMT 2023)
Ninoh Agostinho Da Silva
Tunde Oluwaseyi Ajayi
Alexander Antonov
Panga Azazia Kamate
Moussa Coulibaly
Mason Del Rio
Yacouba Diarra
Sebastian Diarra
Chris Emezue
Joel Hamilcaro
Christopher M. Homan
Alexander Most
Joseph Mwatukange
Peter Ohue
Michael Pham
Abdoulaye Sako
Sokhar Samb
Yaya Sy
Tharindu Cyril Weerasooriya
Yacine Zahidi
Sarah Luger
Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Technologies for Machine Translation of Low-Resource Languages (LoResMT 2023)
Orange Silicon Valley hosted a low-resource machine translation (MT) competition with monetary prizes. The goals of the competition were to raise awareness of the challenges in the low-resource MT domain, improve MT algorithms and data strategies, and support MT expertise development in the regions where people speak Bambara and other low-resource languages. The participants built Bambara to French and French to Bambara machine translation systems using data provided by the organizers and additional data resources shared amongst the competitors. This paper details each team’s different approaches and motivation for ongoing work in Bambara and the broader low-resource machine translation domain.