Ann Copestake
TIAGE: A Benchmark for Topic-Shift Aware Dialog Modeling
Huiyuan Xie
Zhenghao Liu
Chenyan Xiong
Zhiyuan Liu
Ann Copestake
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2021
Morphologically Aware Word-Level Translation
Paula Czarnowska
Sebastian Ruder
Ryan Cotterell
Ann Copestake
Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics
Don’t Forget the Long Tail! A Comprehensive Analysis of Morphological Generalization in Bilingual Lexicon Induction
Paula Czarnowska
Sebastian Ruder
Edouard Grave
Ryan Cotterell
Ann Copestake
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and the 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-IJCNLP)
Words are Vectors, Dependencies are Matrices: Learning Word Embeddings from Dependency Graphs
Paula Czarnowska
Guy Emerson
Ann Copestake
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computational Semantics - Long Papers
The Meaning of “Most” for Visual Question Answering Models
Alexander Kuhnle
Ann Copestake
Proceedings of the 2019 ACL Workshop BlackboxNLP: Analyzing and Interpreting Neural Networks for NLP
Deep learning evaluation using deep linguistic processing
Alexander Kuhnle
Ann Copestake
Proceedings of the Workshop on Generalization in the Age of Deep Learning
Realization of long sentences using chunking
Ewa Muszyńska
Ann Copestake
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Natural Language Generation
Semantic Composition via Probabilistic Model Theory
Guy Emerson
Ann Copestake
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computational Semantics (IWCS) — Long papers
Resources for building applications with Dependency Minimal Recursion Semantics
Ann Copestake
Guy Emerson
Michael Wayne Goodman
Matic Horvat
Alexander Kuhnle
Ewa Muszyńska
Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'16)
Functional Distributional Semantics
Guy Emerson
Ann Copestake
Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Representation Learning for NLP
Leveraging a Semantically Annotated Corpus to Disambiguate Prepositional Phrase Attachment
Guy Emerson
Ann Copestake
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computational Semantics
Hierarchical Statistical Semantic Realization for Minimal Recursion Semantics
Matic Horvat
Ann Copestake
Bill Byrne
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computational Semantics
Layers of Interpretation: On Grammar and Compositionality
Emily M. Bender
Dan Flickinger
Stephan Oepen
Woodley Packard
Ann Copestake
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computational Semantics
TagNText: A parallel corpus for the induction of resource-specific non-taxonomical relations from tagged images
Theodosia Togia
Ann Copestake
Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'14)
Can distributional approaches improve on Good Old-Fashioned Lexical Semantics?
Ann Copestake
Proceedings of the IWCS 2013 Workshop Towards a Formal Distributional Semantics
Rhetorical Move Detection in English Abstracts: Multi-label Sentence Classifiers and their Annotated Corpora
Carmen Dayrell
Arnaldo Candido Jr.
Gabriel Lima
Danilo Machado Jr.
Ann Copestake
Valéria Feltrim
Stella Tagnin
Sandra Aluisio
Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'12)
Formalising and specifying underquantification
Aurelie Herbelot
Ann Copestake
Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Computational Semantics (IWCS 2011)
Towards an on-demand Simple Portuguese Wikipedia
Arnaldo Candido Jr
Ann Copestake
Lucia Specia
Sandra Maria Aluísio
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies
Exciting and interesting: issues in the generation of binomials
Ann Copestake
Aurélie Herbelot
Proceedings of the UCNLG+Eval: Language Generation and Evaluation Workshop
Annotating Underquantification
Aurelie Herbelot
Ann Copestake
Proceedings of the Fourth Linguistic Annotation Workshop
Invited Talk: Slacker Semantics: Why Superficiality, Dependency and Avoidance of Commitment can be the Right Way to Go
Ann Copestake
Proceedings of the 12th Conference of the European Chapter of the ACL (EACL 2009)
Using Lexical and Relational Similarity to Classify Semantic Relations
Diarmuid Ó Séaghdha
Ann Copestake
Proceedings of the 12th Conference of the European Chapter of the ACL (EACL 2009)
Investigating Content Selection for Language Generation using Machine Learning
Colin Kelly
Ann Copestake
Nikiforos Karamanis
Proceedings of the 12th European Workshop on Natural Language Generation (ENLG 2009)
Semantic Classification with Distributional Kernels
Diarmuid Ó Séaghdha
Ann Copestake
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Computational Linguistics (Coling 2008)
Language Resources and Chemical Informatics
C.J. Rupp
Ann Copestake
Peter Corbett
Peter Murray-Rust
Advaith Siddharthan
Simone Teufel
Benjamin Waldron
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'08)
Generating Research Websites Using Summarisation Techniques
Advaith Siddharthan
Ann Copestake
Proceedings of the ACL-08: HLT Demo Session
Cascaded Classifiers for Confidence-Based Chemical Named Entity Recognition
Peter Corbett
Ann Copestake
Proceedings of the Workshop on Current Trends in Biomedical Natural Language Processing
Coling 2008: Proceedings of the workshop on Cross-Framework and Cross-Domain Parser Evaluation
Johan Bos
Edward Briscoe
Aoife Cahill
John Carroll
Stephen Clark
Ann Copestake
Dan Flickinger
Josef van Genabith
Julia Hockenmaier
Aravind Joshi
Ronald Kaplan
Tracy Holloway King
Sandra Kuebler
Dekang Lin
Jan Tore Lønning
Christopher Manning
Yusuke Miyao
Joakim Nivre
Stephan Oepen
Kenji Sagae
Nianwen Xue
Yi Zhang
Coling 2008: Proceedings of the workshop on Cross-Framework and Cross-Domain Parser Evaluation
Evaluating an open-domain GRE algorithm on closed domains system IDs: CAM-B, CAM-T, CAM-BU and CAM-TU
Advaith Siddharthan
Ann Copestake
Proceedings of the Workshop on Using corpora for natural language generation
Co-occurrence Contexts for Noun Compound Interpretation
Diarmuid Ó Séaghdha
Ann Copestake
Proceedings of the Workshop on A Broader Perspective on Multiword Expressions
Semantic Composition with (Robust) Minimal Recursion Semantics
Ann Copestake
ACL 2007 Workshop on Deep Linguistic Processing
Preprocessing and Tokenisation Standards in DELPH-IN Tools
Benjamin Waldron
Ann Copestake
Ulrich Schäfer
Bernd Kiefer
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC’06)
A Standoff Annotation Interface between DELPH-IN Components
Benjamin Waldron
Ann Copestake
Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on NLP and XML (NLPXML-2006): Multi-Dimensional Markup in Natural Language Processing
Errors in wikis
Ann Copestake
Proceedings of the Workshop on NEW TEXT Wikis and blogs and other dynamic text sources
Open Source Machine Translation with DELPH-IN
Francis Bond
Stephan Oepen
Melanie Siegel
Ann Copestake
Dan Flickinger
Workshop on open-source machine translation
A Lexicon Module for a Grammar Development Environment
Ann Copestake
Fabre Lambeau
Benjamin Waldron
Francis Bond
Dan Flickinger
Stephan Oepen
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC’04)
Generating Referring Expressions in Open Domains
Advaith Siddharthan
Ann Copestake
Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL-04)
Lexical Encoding of MWEs
Aline Villavicencio
Ann Copestake
Benjamin Waldron
Fabre Lambeau
Proceedings of the Workshop on Multiword Expressions: Integrating Processing
10th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics
Ann Copestake
Jan Hajič
10th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics
Multiword expressions: linguistic precision and reusability
Ann Copestake
Fabre Lambeau
Aline Villavicencio
Francis Bond
Timothy Baldwin
Ivan A. Sag
Dan Flickinger
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC’02)
An Algebra for Semantic Construction in Constraint-based Grammars
Ann Copestake
Alex Lascarides
Dan Flickinger
Proceedings of the 39th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
An Open Source Grammar Development Environment and Broad-coverage English Grammar Using HPSG
Ann Copestake
Dan Flickinger
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC’00)
Memory-Based Learning for Article Generation
Guido Minnen
Francis Bond
Ann Copestake
Fourth Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning and the Second Learning Language in Logic Workshop
Default Representation in Constraint-based Frameworks
Alex Lascarides
Ann Copestake
Computational Linguistics, Volume 25, Number 1, March 1999
Lexical rules in constraint based grammars
Ted Briscoe
Ann Copestake
Computational Linguistics, Volume 25, Number 4, December 1999
Intergrating Symbolic and Statistical Representations: The Lexicon Pragmatics Interface
Ann Copestake
Alex Lascarides
35th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and 8th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics
Augmented and alternative NLP techniques for augmentative and alternative communication
Ann Copestake
Natural Language Processing for Communication Aids
Controlling the Application of Lexical Rules
Ted Briscoe
Ann Copestake
Breadth and Depth of Semantic Lexicons
Translation using Minimal Recursion Semantics
Ann Copestake
Dan Flickinger
Rob Malouf
Susanne Riehemann
Ivan Sag
Proceedings of the Sixth Conference on Theoretical and Methodological Issues in Machine Translation of Natural Languages
Translation equivalence and lexicalization in the ACQUILEX LKB
Antonio Sanfilippo
Ted Briscoe
Ann Copestake
Maria Antònia Martí
Mariona Taulé
Antonietta Alonge
Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on Theoretical and Methodological Issues in Machine Translation of Natural Languages
The ACQUILEX LKB: representation issues in semi-automatic acquisition of large lexicons
Ann Copestake
Third Conference on Applied Natural Language Processing
Lexical Operations in a Unification-based Framework
Ann Copestake
Ted Briscoe
Lexical Semantics and Knowledge Representation
Enjoy the Paper: Lexicology
Ted Briscoe
Ann Copestake
Bran Boguraev
COLING 1990 Volume 2: Papers presented to the 13th International Conference on Computational Linguistics
- Advaith Siddharthan 4
- Alex Lascarides 3
- Alexander Kuhnle 3
- Aline Villavicencio 2
- Antonietta Alonge 1
- show all...
- Antonio Sanfilippo 1
- Aoife Cahill 1
- Aravind Joshi 1
- Arnaldo Candido, Jr. 2
- Aurélie Herbelot 3
- Benjamin Waldron 5
- Bernd Kiefer 1
- Bill Byrne 1
- Branimir Boguraev 1
- C.J. Rupp 1
- Carmen Dayrell 1
- Chenyan Xiong 1
- Christopher D. Manning 1
- Colin Kelly 1
- Dan Flickinger 8
- Danilo Machado Jr. 1
- Dekang Lin 1
- Diarmuid Ó Séaghdha 3
- Édouard Grave 1
- Emily M. Bender 1
- Ewa Muszyńska 2
- Fabre Lambeau 3
- Francis Bond 4
- Gabriel Lima 1
- Guido Minnen 1
- Guy Emerson 5
- Huiyuan Xie 1
- Ivan A. Sag 1
- Ivan Sag 1
- Jan Hajic 1
- Jan Tore Lønning 1
- Joakim Nivre 1
- Johan Bos 1
- John A. Carroll 1
- Josef van Genabith 1
- Julia Hockenmaier 1
- Kenji Sagae 1
- Lucia Specia 1
- M. Antònia Martí 1
- Mariona Taulé 1
- Matic Horvat 2
- Melanie Siegel 1
- Michael Wayne Goodman 1
- Nianwen Xue 1
- Nikiforos Karamanis 1
- Paula Czarnowska 3
- Peter Corbett 2
- Peter Murray-Rust 1
- Robert Malouf 1
- Ronald M. Kaplan 1
- Ryan Cotterell 2
- Sandra Aluísio 2
- Sandra Kübler 1
- Sebastian Ruder 2
- Simone Teufel 1
- Stella Tagnin 1
- Stephan Oepen 4
- Stephen Clark 1
- Susanne Riehemann 1
- Ted Briscoe 6
- Theodosia Togia 1
- Timothy Baldwin 1
- Tracy Holloway King 1
- Ulrich Schäfer 1
- Valéria Delisandra Feltrim 1
- Woodley Packard 1
- Yi Zhang 1
- Yusuke Miyao 1
- Zhenghao Liu 1
- Zhiyuan Liu 1