Rebecca Wilm
Biographically Relevant Tweets – a New Dataset, Linguistic Analysis and Classification Experiments
Michael Wiegand
Rebecca Wilm
Katja Markert
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics
We present a new dataset comprising tweets for the novel task of detecting biographically relevant utterances. Biographically relevant utterances are all those utterances that reveal some persistent and non-trivial information about the author of a tweet, e.g. habits, (dis)likes, family status, physical appearance, employment information, health issues etc. Unlike previous research we do not restrict biographical relevance to a small fixed set of pre-defined relations. Next to classification experiments employing state-of-the-art classifiers to establish strong baselines for future work, we carry out a linguistic analysis that compares the predictiveness of various high-level features. We also show that the task is different from established tasks, such as aspectual classification or sentiment analysis.
Distinguishing affixoid formations from compounds
Josef Ruppenhofer
Michael Wiegand
Rebecca Wilm
Katja Markert
Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computational Linguistics
We study German affixoids, a type of morpheme in between affixes and free stems. Several properties have been associated with them – increased productivity; a bleached semantics, which is often evaluative and/or intensifying and thus of relevance to sentiment analysis; and the existence of a free morpheme counterpart – but not been validated empirically. In experiments on a new data set that we make available, we put these key assumptions from the morphological literature to the test and show that despite the fact that affixoids generate many low-frequency formations, we can classify these as affixoid or non-affixoid instances with a best F1-score of 74%.