Francesca D’Errico


Studying Reactions to Stereotypes in Teenagers: an Annotated Italian Dataset
Elisa Chierchiello | Tom Bourgeade | Giacomo Ricci | Cristina Bosco | Francesca D’Errico
Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Threat, Aggression & Cyberbullying @ LREC-COLING-2024

The paper introduces a novel corpus collected in a set of experiments in Italian schools, annotated for the presence of stereotypes, and related categories. It consists of comments written by teenage students in reaction to fabricated fake news, designed to elicit prejudiced responses, by featuring racial stereotypes. We make use of an annotation scheme which takes into account the implicit or explicit nature of different instances of stereotypes, alongside their forms of discredit. We also annotate the stance of the commenter towards the news article, using a schema inspired by rumor and fake news stance detection tasks. Through this rarely studied setting, we provide a preliminary exploration of the production of stereotypes in a more controlled context. Alongside this novel dataset, we provide both quantitative and qualitative analyses of these reactions, to validate the categories used in their annotation. Through this work, we hope to increase the diversity of available data in the study of the propagation and the dynamics of negative stereotypes.


Pedagogical stances and their multimodal signals.
Isabella Poggi | Francesca D’Errico | Giovanna Leone
Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'12)

The paper defines the notion of “pedagogical stance”, viewed as the type of position taken, the role assumed, the image projected and the types of social behaviours performed by a teacher in her teaching interaction with a pupil. Two aspects of pedagogical stance, “didactic” and “affective ― relational”, are distinguished and a hypothesis is put forward about their determinant factors (the teacher's personality, idea of one's role and of the learning process, and model of the pupil). Based on a qualitative analysis of the verbal and bodily behaviour of teachers in a corpus of teacher-pupil interactions, the paper singles out two didactic stances (maieutic and efficient) and four affective-relational ones (friendly, dominating, paternalistic, and secure base). Some examples of these stances are analysed in detail and the respective patterns of verbal and behavioural signals that typically characterize the six types of stances are outlined.


Types of Nods. The Polysemy of a Social Signal
Isabella Poggi | Francesca D’Errico | Laura Vincze
Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'10)

The work analyses the head nod, a down-up movement of the head, as a polysemic social signal, that is, a signal with a number of different meanings which all share some common semantic element. Based on the analysis of 100 nods drawn from the SSPNet corpus of TV political debates, a typology of nods is presented that distinguishes Speaker’s, Interlocutor’s and Third Listener’s nods, with their subtypes (confirmation, agreement, approval, submission and permission, greeting and thanks, backchannel giving and backchannel request, emphasis, ironic agreement, literal and rhetoric question, and others). For each nod the analysis specifies: 1. characteristic features of how it is produced, among which main direction, amplitude, velocity and number of repetitions; 2. cues in other modalities, like direction and duration of gaze; 3. conversational context in which the nod typically occurs. For the Interlocutor’s or Third Listener’s nod, the preceding speech act is relevant: yes/no answer or information for a nod of confirmation, expression of opinion for one of agreement, prosocial action for greetings and thanks; for the Speaker’s nods, instead, their meanings are mainly distinguished by accompanying signals.